Www.google.ru site was unavailable for some users on Thursday afternoon, said the Telegram-channel "Saybersekyuriti", which is a political activist Aleksandr Litreev. He referred to numerous complaints from users. "Vedomosti" were convinced that a number of operators and service providers the afternoon of June 22 at Google.ru blocked access to several hours.
Google.ru page has been included in the register of banned sites and providers started blocking access to the resource, confirmed the "Vedomosti" head of Roskomnadzor Aleksandr Zharov. Do a Google site was redirected to the bookmaker company, he explained, but the search engine removed the redirect and the problem was quickly solved."This is not a false lock," - says Zharov (cm incision.).
Initially, the site itself bookmaker company was blocked at the request of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), explained the representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky. After this service routinely conducted lock monitoring revealed that the site appeared a mirror (copy of the site) and links, redirects, which have been consistently included in the register, among them there was a link-redirect address that begins with www.google.ru, he explained.Roskomnadzor warned Google of making such a reference in the register and after a while put the search engine redirect, summed Ampelonsky. The name of the blocked online bookmaker he refused to disclose.
The register also indicates that Google.ru included in this list of the FTS request.The representative of the service said that we are talking about restricting access to online bookmaker accessfonbet.com. He confirmed that the Federal Tax Service sent the requirement to lock only the accessfonbet.com site addresses mirrors and redirects in the register, Roskomnadzor has brought on its own initiative.
false lock
In early June, part of the resources are not blacklisted Roskomnadzor, were blocked due to a vulnerability in the registry: it allows you to attach the IP-address of a respectable life to a prohibited address. Among the blocked Internet was Ivi theater, hosting control panel in the user's office Selectel hosting provider site "Medusa".
FTS has the right of court to require the blocking of sites Roskomnadzor in 2015 These are the sites that violate the legislation in the field of gambling and lotteries. In particular, in Russia now have the right to work only those bookmakers that have received state license. Last July, "News" referring to the Federal Tax Service of the data reported that at the request of the service Roskomnadzor blocked more than 6000 online casinos and bookmakers sites, as well as 50 mobile applications such companies. According to "Roskomsvoboda" Internet project, the Federal Tax Service - the most active of services to block sites: in the two years she had sent to the register 43 000 sites, while the CPS since 2012 has blocked a little more than 1000 sites, Roskomnadzor - about 18,000.
"We know that some users are having trouble accessing the site Google.ru. On Google's technology there are no problems. We understand the situation, "- said yesterday afternoon, a Google spokesman. Later he noticed that add to the comment Roskomnadzor nothing.
This is another obvious defect in the lock system, due to which the service providers block access to the sites in good faith, says lithraea: leaves, confused Roskomnadzor monitoring system automatically locks the service resources needed for the normal functioning of the major portals.
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