Jon Wolfsthal, who served in the White House under former president Barack Obama, believes that after years of tensions North Korea sees the threats from the US as empty. Mr Wolfsthal said: “Kim has learned plenty from us in his short life, and probably absorbed plenty of advice from his late father. “He is likely to view Donald Trump much like his predecessors—as a president who doesn’t like North Korea’s nuclear capabilities but with few realistic options for stopping it. “After almost 30 years of efforts to prevent a nuclear North Korea, we have demonstrated some patterns; patterns that Kim relies on to guide his decision-making, just as we have come to rely on his patterns to inform ours.” Also Read: China warns North Korea tensions have reached ‘tipping point’ North Korea: China urges Trump not to worsen situation Numerous attempts with sanctions and possible agreements has been seen as little more than a slap on the wrist for North Korea over its nu...